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US Peace Activists Join Anti-Drone March in Pakistan(2012-10-08)
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Desc - Thousands of people marched in Pakistan over the weekend to protest the ongoing U.S. drone strikes. On Sunday, the Pakistani government blocked the march from entering the tribal area of South Waziristan, a frequent target of drone attacks. Addressing the march, Pakistani political leader Imran Khan said the drone strikes are fostering hatred of the United States. Imran Khan says: "These drone attacks are a violation of international law. These drone attacks are a violation of the human rights of Pakistani people. Do we all condemn them? We want to send a message to America the the more drones attacks you carry out, the more the people will grow to hate you and raise their arms against you. Our tribal people will not be scared off with drone attacks." More than 30 U.S. citizens with the group CODEPINK traveled to Pakistan to take part in the march and meet with drone strike victims. Activist Tighe Barry says: "The illegal, immoral, brutal attacks on the innocent people of Waziristan in the FATA region of Pakistan must end now. These are illegal drone strikes carried out by CIA. CIA is a civilian organization using military equipment. This is a war crime." Activist Linda Wenning: "They (drone attacks) are illegal, they're against international law. They invade the sovereignty of Pakistan, and they're not productive." In a U.S. protest held in solidarity with the anti-drone march in Pakistan, 10 people were arrested on Friday at the Hancock Field Air National Guard Base in New York. Members of the Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars stood in front of the base's gate, holding signs and blocking entry. Shortly before he was arrested, protester Jack Gilroy said demonstrators hoped to hold up the piloting of the drones that takes place at the base, perhaps sparing the lives of civilians overseas. To watch the entire weekday independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, search our vast archive, or to find more information about Democracy Now! and Amy Goodman, visit

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