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Nov 5 07: La Sexta Megamarcha en Oaxaca--A Mega Million Take to the Streets in Peace
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Desc :OAXACA: Sexta Megamarcha, contra la PFP [by Mal de Ojo TV / indyOax] Organizaciones sociales solidarias con la causa de la rebeli ón del pueblo oaxaqueño en contra del gobernador Ulises Ruiz Ortiz realizaron la 6a Megamarcha la cual según cálculos reunieron a cientos de miles de personas, incluidas varias miles que llegaron desde la Ciudad de Mexico, Michoacan y otros lugares (6:42 min) [by Danielsan ] Nov 5: The streets were filled on Oxaca, Mexico--estimates have ranged between 80,000 and 1.5 Million--as the megamarcha brought people out of their homes and into the streets: young and old, rural and city, light skinned and dark skinned, APPO organizers and casual supporters, teachers and students. The call went out on the radio and through the assemblies of teachers; a caravan from D.F. brought busloads of supporters from UNAM and Atenco, from the protests, blockades, and negotiations taking place in the capital. As the march wound down the hill from the Juarez statue, people lining the streets joined the march, families poured out of their homes lining the route, business owners waved, cheered, and applauded.

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